Inverness Campus: a world class location
- Business in Scotland
- Sustainable economy
- Cost of doing business in Scotland
- Innovation in Scotland
- Infrastructure and connectivity
Work in Scotland
- Find a job in Scotland
Career opportunities
- Energy transition
- Offshore wind
- Hydrogen
- Clean heat
- Software
- Data
- Cyber security
- Technology and engineering
- Video games
- Fintech
- Low carbon transport
- Financial services and fintech
- Low carbon heat
- Digital health and care
- Global business services
- Life sciences
- Medical technologies
- Space
- Critical technologies
- Industrial biotech
- Carbon capture, utilisation and storage
- Work practices and benefits
- Expand and scale your business
Success stories
- UserTesting
- Smart Green Shipping
- Ace Aquatec
- Tachmed
- Orbex
- Previse
- Logos Logistics
- Eurostampa
- Balmoral Comtec
- Spire
- Dean's of Huntly
- Outplay
- Masdar
- J.P. Morgan
- Renovite Technologies
- VeriCall
- Ashurst
- Ascensos
- Fraunhofer UK Research
- Barclays
- Channel Bakers
- Planet DDS
- Celestia
- Sunhope Packaging Machinery
- Fennex
- Sumitomo Electric Industries
- Financial and tax incentives
- People, skills and recruitment
Locations for your business
Commercial properties and land
- Inverness Campus
- Energy Transition Zone (ETZ)
- Prestwick: Scotland’s only Aerospace Enterprise Area
- Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP)
- Grangemouth Chemical Science Park
- Arrol Gibb Innovation Campus (AGIC)
- Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS)
- Chapelcross
- Glasgow City Innovation District
- Business in Scotland
- Sustainable economy
- Cost of doing business in Scotland
- Innovation in Scotland
- Infrastructure and connectivity
- Find your industry
Work in Scotland
- Find a job in Scotland
Career opportunities
- Energy transition
- Offshore wind
- Hydrogen
- Clean heat
- Software
- Data
- Cyber security
- Technology and engineering
- Video games
- Science
- Fintech
- Low carbon transport
- Financial services and fintech
- Low carbon heat
- Digital health and care
- Global business services
- Life sciences
- Medical technologies
- Space
- Critical technologies
- Industrial biotech
- Carbon capture, utilisation and storage
- Work practices and benefits
- Real life stories
- Setting up your business
- Expand and scale your business
Success stories
- UserTesting
- Smart Green Shipping
- Ace Aquatec
- Tachmed
- Orbex
- Previse
- Logos Logistics
- Eurostampa
- Balmoral Comtec
- Spire
- Dean's of Huntly
- Outplay
- Masdar
- J.P. Morgan
- Renovite Technologies
- VeriCall
- Ashurst
- Ascensos
- Fraunhofer UK Research
- Barclays
- Channel Bakers
- Planet DDS
- Celestia
- Sunhope Packaging Machinery
- Fennex
- Sumitomo Electric Industries
- Financial and tax incentives
- People, skills and recruitment
Locations for your business
Commercial properties and land
- Inverness Campus
- Energy Transition Zone (ETZ)
- Prestwick: Scotland’s only Aerospace Enterprise Area
- Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP)
- Grangemouth Chemical Science Park
- Arrol Gibb Innovation Campus (AGIC)
- Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS)
- Chapelcross
- Glasgow City Innovation District
- Green Freeports
Commercial properties and land
Inverness Campus highlights
Collaborative community
16 life sciences and technology companies, 2 universities, multiple public sector organisations and nearby Raigmore Hospital
Access to the NHS
New state-of-the-art NHS National Treatment Centre Highland serving the whole north of Scotland
Excellent facilities
Offices, laboratory space, research facilities, collaborative workspaces, space for light industrial activity
Innovation and collaboration
Life Sciences Innovation Centre, nearby Centre for Health Science, plus the Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre

A thriving community of technology and life sciences companies, academia and the NHS
The campus is already home to 16 life sciences companies, including those in animal health, medical technologies and remote health. It also sits beside LifeScan, one of Scotland’s largest life sciences companies. As a result, you’ll have access to a range of supply chain opportunities, collaboration opportunities and existing life science skills.
It’s also home to two universities – the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and Scotland’s Rural College.
Nearby is the Raigmore Hospital – the largest hospital in the area – and the state-of-the-art elective care centre (National Treatment Centre Highland), specialising in Ophthalmics and Ortheopaedics. It serves the entire north of Scotland and offers opportunities for clinicians and university researchers to work closely together. If you’re looking for close links with the NHS, this will be hugely beneficial to you.
While the campus is aimed primarily at companies working on technology, innovation and research, there’s some planning in place for light industrial activity as well. The nearby Inverness Airport Business Park can accommodate larger manufacturing development.
Think Inverness Campus could be right for your business? Get in touch today to discuss what you're looking for.
Explore the campus
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Benefits of setting up at Inverness Campus
Access to talent
Around 1,000 people have a work base in Inverness Campus, offering an impressive pool of existing talent already at the location. The University of the Highlands and Islands offers fresh graduates each year, and the campus is also home to the Science Skills Academy, which encourages interest and engagement of school students in STEM subjects.
Inverness is also an attractive relocation option for experienced specialists and new graduates alike. Its smaller size offers access to city amenities while maintaining a sense of community, with an affordable cost of living and easy access to some of Scotland’s most spectacular scenery.
Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport
Some parts of Inverness Campus are within an agreed tax site of the Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport. New businesses may benefit from tax incentives if they invest here.
Visit the Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport websiteopens in a new window
Public sector support
Highlands and Islands Enterprise opens in a new window is the economic development agency for the area, offering a range of support to the right businesses. The Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Servicce (SMAS) also had a base at Inverness Campus.
At the campus, support is available specifically to life sciences and technology companies, including:
- Start-up accommodation with favourable terms for SMEs
- The business to healthcare programmeopens in a new window, aimed at easing access to NHS markets.
Connected to Scotland and the rest of the world
Inverness Campus is located just 2km from Inverness centre, and is close to two trunk roads allowing easy access to the rest of Scotland. Inverness Airport, which boasts national and international links is just a 15-minute drive away. Train links with the rest of the country and beyond are easily made from the train station in the city centre.
Active travel links and facilities have been built into the campus design from the outset, with good access to the campus by public transport and sustainable transport.
Looking for more information?
Head to the Inverness Campus website for more information about the site, the plots and properties that are currently available, who your new neighbours would be, and more.
Find out more at the Inverness Campus website opens in a new window
Get in touch to discuss setting up at Inverness Campus
If you're thinking of setting up in Scotland and think Inverness Campus could be right for you, get in touch today to discuss what you're looking for.