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Contact us

Enter your information in the fields below and one of our helpful team will reply shortly. Before contacting us, make sure your enquiry isn’t covered by any of the dropdowns. You can also call us directly to talk to an adviser. Our UK call centre is open from 9am to 5pm UK time.

Phone: +44 300 013 2734opens in a new window 

To get in touch with someone in your local area, you can find your nearest SDI office. 

Before you enquire

If you’re a business based in Scotland looking for information or support for international trade, Scottish Enterprise can help. They can offer a wide range of support, including:

  • Access to export finance and managing risk
  • Free market research service for detailed reports on international markets
  • Resources for export delivery and documentation
  • Export training programmes and events
  • An international ecommerce programme and access to online marketplaces

They can also offer more general business advice, support and sources of funding.

More about trading internationally from Scottish Enterpriseopens in a new window 

You can get information on visas, immigration and sponsorship for international talent from TalentScotland.

More about immigration and talent attraction support from TalentScotland 

If you’re interested in providing goods and services (such as marketing support services, event exhibition services, financial services and more) to Scottish Development International or other public sector agencies, please go to Public Contracts Scotland to see all current opportunities.

As a government agency, we have to go through a strict procurement process and cannot accept sales enquiries online.

Search for supplier opportunities on the Public Contracts Scotland websiteopens in a new window 

Interested in working for Scottish Development International in Scotland or in one of our global offices? Go to our jobs page for information about jobs, apprenticeships, internships and work experience at Scottish Development International.

Job vacancies: work with us 

Complete the enquiry form to get in touch

Enter your email address using the format:
Please enter a valid phone number, including area code. If you are outside of the UK, please include international code, for example, +44.
Start typing your business name, trading address or postcode for suggestions. If you can’t find your business you can enter your details manually. If you are not trading yet, please enter your home address.. If you are not yet trading, please .

Let us know what your opportunity is, what support you need, and why you need it.

For example, you may need help to set up or invest in Scotland, or to partner with or buy from a Scottish company.

Tell us in detail about your project, its impact, and what support you need. Please let us know:

  • Your employee numbers and turnover where applicable
  • If you have finance in place for the project
  • If you have a full business plan

The personal details and information you provide will be used to answer your enquiry and keep you updated on its progress. They will be stored on our system, which is shared with other public sector bodies.

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By ticking the box and clicking submit you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms of our privacy notice.