Avondale - energy recovery from waste
Avondale (part of NPL Group) has secured full planning consent for the development of an energy-from-waste facility to process up to 150,000 tonnes per annum of residual waste.
They're looking for £8 million receipt for land with planning and grid offers. Over £55 million is to be invested in the plant build, subject to the developer’s preferred technology.
The opportunity
Avondale (NPL Group) is seeking a developer to acquire the land and then realise the financing, build and operation of an energy-from-waste facility to be co-located with other waste operations within the owner’s freehold assets.
The owner will offer:
- Land with planning and grid connection offers for sale
- Grid connection agreement — 7.45 megawatts electrical (MWe) and 29 MWe export
- Access to existing incoming waste streams
- Favourable no-haul ash offtake contracts
Value over £63 million
Based on £8 million for land and over £55 million for construction
Energy and circular economy
Design, build and operate
Location in Falkirk
Project benefits and background
Government alignment
This consented development comes at a time when the Scottish Government is changing the way that waste is managed across the country. They are moving the management of non-recyclable waste away from landfill to energy recovery in line with the principles of sustainable development.
The Scottish Government's Zero Waste Plan target is that no more than 5% of Scotland’s waste will be sent to landfill by 2025. This scheme will provide a valuable contribution towards this aim, providing Scotland with a new facility which will extract value from its residual waste.
Existing opportunities
The current scheme comprises the development and operation of a 30 MW energy-from-waste with an electrical output of some 7.5 MWe. However, this can be changed by the developer to suit their technology and capitalise on the 29 MWe export available. Some of the existing waste arriving at the landfill — more than 400 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) — could be used as part of a feedstock solution. Power will be exported to grid through a new secured grid connection(s).
Prime location
This is a proven location. The owner currently operates a landfill with contracted annual tonnage of 110 ktpa from local authorities and also accepts over 300 kpta of commercial and industrial (C&I) inputs.
Support facilities
At Avondale, you'll have easy access to a network of support for your project. This includes:
- Co-location with existing waste operations - this will provide security of outlet for ash waste products from the plant and provision for waste handling during periods of shut down for maintenance.
- Grid connection - Scottish Power has already accepted a two grid offers for this project, 7.45 MWe and 29 MWe export.
- Private wire and heat off-take potential - the facility is located close to heavy industry at Grangemouth, and a nearby consented large-scale mixed-use development scheme. There is also potential for major greenhouse facilities.
Investment opportunity
- Construction costs will be £55 million dependant on the preferred technology provider
- A land sale for £8 million is offered
Project timeline
Full planning permission was granted on 5 November 2020.
A developer is sought who wants to purchase the land with a timeline that is within the developer’s gift.
With no more energy-from-waste plants to be granted planning permission under the Scottish Government, this project offers a unique opportunity with many key elements already in place.
Learn more on the Avondale Landfill website opens in a new window
Alignment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
The Green Investment Portfolio support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The projects in the portfolio support the goals below:
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