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Support for buyers

Find out how we can help connect you to Scottish suppliers so you can start your trading journey with Scotland.

A uniquely supportive environment

Besides our abundant natural resources, manufacturing expertise, and innovative spirit, one of the unique benefits of trading with Scotland is the unparalleled level of support available.

When you choose to trade with Scotland, you benefit from one-to-one support. We’ll listen to your needs, connect you to opportunities and facilitate successful trading relationships. You’ll have access to our industry experts as well as our excellent infrastructure of suppliers, industries and networks.


So, are you ready to get started?

Discover what support is on offer to help you begin your trading journey with Scotland.

  • Find your local office

    We have over 30 offices around the world and our global teams are ideally placed to support you. They can answer your questions, arrange trade missions, help you get set up, and more. 

  • Learn about us

    If you’re considering trading with Scotland, we can offer the support you need. We can connect you to local and global business networks, make the right contacts and everything in between.

  • Explore trade opportunities 

    From food and drink to renewables and digital health, we can connect you to Scotland’s impressive supply chains.

  • Export from Scotland

    Find out more about exporting from Scotland and our great connections with the rest of the world.

  • UK-EU trade deal

    Scotland continues its close relationships with EU countries and businesses, welcoming those who choose to live and work here.

  • Get in touch

    If you have any questions, or you’re looking for advice and information for a specific project, just get in touch.

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